2400 Colden Hall
Joined Northwest in 1998
Associate Professor
Leach-Steffens, L. Do euphemisms change perceived quality of a used car? Presented at American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., May 23-26. 2019.
Leach-Steffens, L., Edwards, C., Bucher, A., Stumpf. Presented The more things change: An exploration of money and power in marital relationships. Presented at American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, February 8-10. 2015.
Leach-Steffens, L. (2013) A glimpse of a generation: Debt load and quality of life assessments from alumni of a midwestern university. Presented at Canadian Symposium for Home Economics XII; proceedings in process.
Leach-Steffens, L. (2009). Salaries and benefits among child and family studies graduates at a Midwestern research university. In Community of Colleges, Universities, and Research (Ed.), American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences –Colleges, Universities, and Research Proceedings 2009, Knoxville TN.
Allen, M.W., Edwards, R., Hayhoe, C.R., and Leach, L.J. (2007). Imagined interactions, family money management patterns and coalitions, and attitudes toward money and credit. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, DOI 10.1007/s10834-006-9048-1 (Electronic copy available at SpringerLink, http://www.springerlink.com/content/y46ww8448364v5m7/ [January 21, 2007].
Hayhoe, C. R., Leach, L., Allen, M. W., & Edwards, R. (2005) Credit cards held by college students. Financial Counseling and Planning, 16(1), 1-10.
Leach, L.J, and Davis, C. (2003). Web-based supplemental exercises in a personal finance class: Value added? . In Travnicek, R. (Ed.), In Travnicek, R. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, Savannah, GA.
Leach, L.J., Hayhoe, C.R., Allen, M., and Brewster, B. (2003). Improving college students’ communication about credit. In Travnicek, R. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, Savannah, GA.
Hayhoe, C.R. & Leach, L.J. (2000). Changes in perceived economic well-being of college students: A longitudinal study. Proceedings of the Third Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies, Girona, Spain.
Hayhoe, C.R., Leach, L.J., Turner, P.R., Bruin, M.J., & Lawrence, F.C. (2000). Differences in college students’ spending habits and credit use. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 34(1), 113-133.
Leach, L.J. & Hayhoe, C.R. (2000). Region, college size, and college student credit card use for expenditures. A poster session at the 2000 Eastern Region Family Economics-Resource Management Conference, February, 2000, Urbana, IL.
Leach, L. J., Celia R. Hayhoe, C. R. & Turner, P. R. (1999). Factors affecting perceived economic well-being of college students: A gender perspective. Financial Counseling and Planning, 10(2), 11-21. (Note: Although the journal year is 1999, this article went to press in July 2000.
Leach, L.J. (1999). Teaching resource management while modeling community: An experience of service learning in a Family and Consumer Sciences course. Kappa Omicron Nu Forum, 10(2), 19-28.
Hayhoe, C.R., Leach, L.J. & Turner, P.R. (1999). Discriminating the number of credit cards owned by college students using credit and money attitudes. Journal of Economic Psychology, 20, 643-656.
Hayhoe, C. R., Turner, P. R., Leach, L. J., Bass, B. Gross, P. & Xiao, J. J. (1998). College students' money and credit attitudes. 1998 Eastern Family Economics-Resource Management Conference, February, 1998,
Blacksburg, VA.
Leach, L.J. & Hayhoe, C.R. (1998). Exploring college students’ awareness of and use of credit. Journal of Consumer Education. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois.
Hayhoe, C.R., & Leach, L.J. (1997). An exploration of college student credit use. A poster session at the annual meeting of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Washington, DC, June 1997.
Hayhoe, C.R., Leach, L.J., Turner, P.S., Gross, P.E., Bass, B., and Xiao, J.J. (1997). College students’ use of credit cards: a descriptive study. In J.J. Xiao (ed.), Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, San Diego, CA.
Fitzsimmons, V.R. and Leach, L.J. (1994). Net worth change: Beginning and expanding life cycle stages. Financial Counseling and Planning, 5, 65‑82.
Fitzsimmons, V.R. and Leach, L.J. (1991). Marital stability: Role of financial management in predicting divorce. In S. M. Danes (Ed.), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota.
Fitzsimmons, V.R. and Leach, L.J. (1990). Family finance handling: Roles vs. utility explanations. In C.J. Peck (Ed.), Abstracts of Research Presentations, 1990 Annual Meeting of the American Home Economics Association. Bloomington, IL: Meridian Education Corporation
Nationally recognized moulage artist
Certified in CERT and disaster case management